We all love Memes. Memes have become our daily source of entertainment, but it’s more than that.
Memes not only make us laugh but also give us an ability to identify a common feeling, experience or opinion.
We can all relate to at least one of the many we come across. This makes us realize that there are many people out there who feel and think like us.
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It gives us a sense of reliability. How many times do we come across a meme and think ‘that’s me’?
Being both personal and universal at the same time makes meme such a cultural phenomenon.
Who knew being a memester could be so cool and you could also earn a lot of fan following?
If you ever think of being a memer, then you should also know the best meme generator apps.
It can be difficult to find the best meme-generating app. To create a memorable and extraordinary meme needs a lot of motivation.
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This thought can strike you at any brief period of time, so it is important that you know which meme maker is best for you.
Check out the top 10 best meme generator apps which we have sorted through and compiled for you!

10 Best Meme Generator Apps that you should check out this year
1. Meme Generator by Zombodroid

This app is one of the best meme generator app for a number of reasons.
The memers who complain about ads in the other meme generator app which makes it difficult to create meme can now be relieved.
Unlike any of the above-mentioned apps, there is a paid version of this app which is ad-free. Having no watermarks makes this app the memers most favorite choice.
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The unfixable bug problem is the reason why they have an old version for older Samsung devices.
The developer now has a video and GIF meme app. This app has also focused on your privacy.
Meme Generator cannot automatically upload any meme created by you or import one for that matter.
2: Meme Creator

The app is easy to use and has a simple user interface.
You can use the already available photographs to make your meme.
You can add text, images and text bubbles too.
The created meme can be saved and you can curate your own agglomeration of memes.
You can adjust the color of the captions and their size to meet your artistic demands.
The memes can also be combined to form comics.
Meme Creator is one of the best meme generator apps and its a great choice for all Android users as it lets you share memes on all popular online destinations.
3: Mematic

Supported by both Android and iOS, Mematic is one of the best meme generator apps and is also very widely used.
By far it has the simplest UI and outside of the occasional bug and the ads there is nothing really wrong with the app.
Free with no-app purchases, it has a library full of meme templates.
Most of those meme templates include classics. Imagine bringing your own photos and creating your own set of memes, boy you can make your friends famous!
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Adding a caption and sharing them with your friend has become much easier with this app as you can share them over Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, etc with just one tap.
But of course, your meme can be shared via mail or simply can be saved to your album.
4. Instameme

Meme Generator Preloaded with memes and the fact that you can make your own memes from your very own gallery makes this app one of Android’s favorite meme generator app.
There are a lot of features in this app that you can play around with and make your meme funny and interesting at the same time.
Although it is 23 MB in size its features are amazing enough to make you download it.
This app is cost-free but many have complained about the ads which cover all the button and there is nothing you can do about it.
Facebook has a Timeline but Instameme has Memeline.
Fancy as it sounds memeline is a meme timeline from the community of Instameme.
As mentioned earlier Instameme has more than 5000 meme templates, stickers, emoticons/emoji & rage faces.
What makes it interesting is the real-time text editor.
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Creating and sharing of a meme is easy with Instameme.
Many have even suggested that if the boomerang feature is added to it then this would become every memers’ first preference.
This app is not available in some regions of the world. You can create your own VPN to download the app from Play Store or download it from the link given below.
5. Memedroid

Memedroid is not only one of the oldest meme generator app but it is also fun as it is also available offline.
But of course, you literally have to pay a price for it as this app is not free.
There is a voting system which helps to rank the memes internally.
The meme can be uploaded to the existing database if you want.
You can also add text to some of the most famous memes faces that you will easily find across the web.
Want to enjoy a good laugh and be a part of the meme community?
You can download Memedroid
The updated gallery of Memedroid is a great source of new meme templates.
Surfing the memes and making a new one is extremely fun on this app.
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Although it is a great app the popping adds are going to be an irritation and the app also crashes from time to time.
However, the one thing that will keep you from using this app is that it is paid and not something we would like to opt for as there are many free meme generator apps available.
6. Ololoid Meme Generator

The feature that makes this app the best meme generator app is the fact that you can search for images on the internet directly.
Like many other meme generator apps, one can make memes on this app with an existing template.
It has more than 900 existing meme templates. Besides, you can also load a new picture to make a meme out of this.
There are a lot of features that you can experiment with, which makes creating memes on this app all the more exciting.
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There is a premium version of this app which is a paid version.
The paid version is but of course add free and also free of watermarks. The meme created by you will be saved in a gallery present in the app.
7: Be like Bill generator

I am sure many of you have come across ‘Be Like Bill’ meme.
As funny and cute it is to read out those memes there is a whole app to create the ‘Be like Bill’ meme.
To help you understand how this meme looks like we have created one meme for you.
With every new update, this app is getting much better.
In a small span of time, it has become everybody’s favorite meme generator app.
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You can add your preferred image, change the color of the text or even swap the position of text and image, etc.
This app is very simple and is supported by both Android and iOS. It is surely the best meme generator app we memesters can have!

We all have our profound love for emojis and even though that has not changed we have our yearning for the GIFS.
Now imagine if you can have the largest library of the animated GIFs on your cell phone, crazy right?
But it is true. GIPHY is one such app.
Being simple and fast it allows you to search and share.
The GIPHY memes are divided into a number of categories like reactions, sports, stickers, etc.
Memes are generally static but GIPHY has brought about a revolutionary change in the meme world.
With GIPHY you can now create GIf memes.
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As fun it is to create the meme, trust me the visual is much more humorous.
This is one of the reasons why GIPHY is one of the best meme generator app.
9: GATM: Meme Generator

GATM Meme Generator is one of the best meme generator apps you will come across.
Just like many other meme generator apps GATM also has its own gallery of memes and you can even get your own images.
Unlike other apps, this one comes without a watermark along with recent meme templates. It has two versions paid and an unpaid version.
The paid version is a pro version which cost around $1.95 and it is an ad-free version.
Not only is this a great app for creating your own meme but also for browsing some extra memes.
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The only sad part is that there are few example memes now built to the app, and has far more blank templates.
In spite of this fact it is still the most preferred app and is believed to be the best meme generator app.
It is not only a powerful meme generator app it also offers an easy way of discovering new memes.
The content which we browse is updated on a daily basis thus ensuring that you will always be in touch with the latest meme trends.
Download GATM Meme Generator App
10: Imgur-Memegen

Imgur’s in-house tool is one of the most efficient meme generator apps for creating memes.
The drop-down selection menu helps you to choose your meme.
You can browse the existing memes as well as upload the ones you have created.
The best part about this app is that it is available in various languages. Watermark is optional so if you don’t want Memegen watermark simply chose the option. Sharing the meme is just a click away.
Supported by iOS this app is one of the best meme generator apps as it is very user-friendly and has no in-app purchases.
Download Imgur’s Imgur-Memegen
Final Verdict
Memes have become the modern art of the 21st century. Every other day there are ingenious, and frankly inspired, memes being shared by the citizens of the net.
Bottom line is memes are just about your sense of humor, how you imagine things and how you can share that imagination with people.
So once you find a good meme generator app that provides you with the technical requirements to make the best memes, you will be all set to take over the social media scene.
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I personally prefer the Be like Bill meme generator and the GIPHY meme generator.
Both the apps are user-friendly, very simple and the sarcastic memes have a different wit to it. Both these apps are supported by Android as well as iOS which is a plus.
These are just a few of the best meme generator apps that we have ourselves tried and tested.
Just like you would do with any other app, you simply have to check out these for yourself and decide which one you like the most.
There are many more such applications for creating memes but as we said earlier these are the top-most meme generator app and we are sure you will fall in love with each one of them.
Nice one